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  • Pastor Luis Cruz

Christ Came at The Right Time

Part 1 of Christ’s Christmas Series

Galatians 4:4-7

Christmas belongs to Christ! But somehow, the celebrant has been eclipsed out of His own party and the world renamed it as holiday. This “holiday” is marked by holiday tree, merry-making, gift giving, giving back, parties, Santa Claus and much more. But Christ wasn’t there anymore as the central figure. What’s more? People gave so much importance to Dec. 25th, rather than the reason for the season. Christmas should be for remembering and honoring Jesus who came at the right time in our history. He came when the conditions were right. He came so that people may be redeemed through Him and He would be placed back to His rightful place – our heart!

1 .The condition of the time when Jesus came.

“4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son …” Galatians 4:4

  • The time for Jesus to come was perfect in God’s timetable.

  • The fullness of time for Jesus to come merely points to the exact religious, cultural and political conditions in the world.

  • The conditions of the time were indeed right for Jesus to come and for the gospel to spread quickly.

What does it mean for us today? What does this passage mean to me?

  • It means that the time for people to know Jesus has been set by God.

  • He comes to you at the proper time, when the condition of your heart is ready for Him to come in.

2. Jesus’ coming anticipated in history.

“born of a woman…” Galatians 4:4b.

  • The anticipated time doesn’t refer to the exact date and hour of His birth, rather, it was to prepare the right people for the right occasion at the right time.

  • God patiently waited for thousands of years for these conditions to come together.

  • God prepared Joseph and Mary for Jesus. Mary remained a virgin up to the appointed time in history.

What does this mean for me, today? It means that Jesus left heaven for you and me to know Him deeply. He was not just meant to be celebrated, but to be known and experienced by us.

  • Jesus is called the Son of the Most High.

  • He will be called Great, meaning He will save and serve the most vulnerable.

  • He is the Ruler who will lovingly reign in our heart.

  • He will be our caring Master.

  • We are to grow in Him and serve Him.

3. Jesus’ came to earth to make history.

“born under the law 5 to redeem those under the law.” Galatians 4:b-5a

  • Jesus was born a Jew to free the Jews from the law.

  • He glorified His Father through His perfect obedience and sinlessness.

  • His death, burial and resurrection made history as the only One who had gone through death and lived.

  • He redeemed us by paying for the consequences of our sins that we may have His life in us.

What does this mean for us today? It means that, Jesus wants to make history in your life. He paid the penalty of our sins, now we must live for Him. Life with Jesus is the most meaningful and purposeful life, one could ever have.

So, here’s my challenge for all of us today.

  • Jesus came at the right condition of your heart. Make Him your Savior.

  • Jesus came at the right timing to rule your heart. Make Him your Master.

Jesus came at the right moment to establish relationship with us. Make Him your life.

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